Carrots and Tigers

A travel and lifestyle blog


Hi there. Thanks for stopping by. I am Alexandra, also called Sandra or Ali. This is the place where I share my passion for travelling, food, photography, writing, and life in general.

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To me, travelling is more than a hobby or time away from home. It is a means to connect with the world around me, near and far, which allows me to see the world in new perspectives. At times, it also challenges me to step outside of my comfort zone.

It was travelling that triggered my interest for different cultures, and yes, for food. Some of my fondest food memories come from frequent holidays spend in Italy as a teen. Today the first thing I do when travelling is to go to the local market hall or strolling around farmers markets. These are the places you learn the most about local flavours, traditions and people, and where to find the best places to eat in general.

Whilst my family loved to celebrate food, we did not spend a lot of our time in the kitchen. Neither my mom nor my grandmother thought me cooking, and there are no famous old family recipes that have been passed down over the generations. Unsurprisingly, I did not grew up being a natural cook with a passion for experiencing with unknown flavours.

My cooking style is mostly uncomplicated. As much as I love a good meal, I loath to spend long hours in the kitchen. That’s why I prefer dishes which are usually easy and fast.

I also have a passion for photography; although for the most part of my life it’s been point and shoot. Something I intend to change, and to start with I have invested in a rather professional camera. So now it’s on me to improve my technique, one photo at a time. For the moment though, please bear with me as I am still learning.

With this blog, I want to share my experiences either travelling, dining out or in the kitchen.

If you have comments, thoughts, feedback or suggestions, please leave a note. I am not an expert writer, cook or photographer so anything you have to tell me will help me to get better every day.